Who we are

AFEdemy - Academy on Age-friendly Environments in Europe


AFEdemy is a private limited company based in Gouda, the Netherlands. It was founded in May 2017 and since then AFEdemy has been successfully involved in European networks and projects. The reason behind the foundation of AFEdemy is to address the challenge of implementation for the many organisations embracing the WHO holistic concept of age-friendly cities and environments. Therefore, AFEdemy’s mission is to build capacity of national, regional and local stakeholders in the field of smart healthy age-friendly environments. Main target groups for training and advice are older adults, public authorities, architects, health care institutions, and research and ICT development agencies. To achieve the company’s aim, AFEdemy offers the following services: stakeholders’ connection and networking, curriculum and MOOC development, trainings, coaching and research.

ISIS Institut für Soziale Infrastruktur gemeinnützige GmbH (partner)

ISIS is a non-profit institute for applied social research and social planning. Established in 1991, ISIS is specialised in practice-oriented social science analyses as well as providing consulting services, developing social structures and transferring knowledge. Our team members and their collective knowledge are our resources. They combine social science expertise and interdisciplinary competence. ISIS is focusing on the issues of age, discrimination, digitalisation, health and participation. The leading idea is to strengthen democratic structures. For this purpose, ISIS has also been working for many years at the European level with various partners.


Verbinden BV (VMZ) is a healthcare institution that provides healthcare and developed its own software (SmartVmZ) on the basis of the healthcare-related processes. VMZ’s ambition is to support as many (care) processes as possible with (digital) tools and standardization. Through simple connections from the software to suppliers of technology, tools and material, it becomes simple for the healthcare provider and the citizen to organize everything from a digital place. In addition to developing its own online tools VMZ also supports independent healthcare providers in setting up their own teams, finding clients and implementing digital tools in care provision to provide high-quality care.
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